“ Remembering Yesterday For The People Of Tomorrow “ 

P.O. Box 118 Haddon Heights, NJ 08035  


Volume 49 Number 3 July 2024 

We meet on the 3rd Monday- April, July, & October. 4th Monday- January: 7:00pm– Haddon Heights Library


JULY 15 Meeting Reminder: 

The rivers of South Jersey have played an important part in the lives  of the indigenous people of the area and impacted the successive  waves of arriving Europeans. Dr. Claude Epstein, professor of  Environmental Science at Stockton University and author of No Wild  Rivers in South Jersey. An Environmental Biography will tell us how  our rivers have formed our South Jersey communities, economy, and  lives. All are welcome at the Haddon Heights Library, 608 Station Avenue.  Meeting starts at 7 p.m. 

Lindsey’s Family Food Market & John’s Friendly Market 622 Station Avenue was built as a  

grocery store and has served  Haddon Heights as a Great Atlantic  and Pacific Tea Company,  Lindsey’s Family Food Market, and  John’s Friendly Market. A&P was founded in 1859 in New  York City and sold tea and coffee.  However, by 1912, it had become a  grocery store chain with 400 stores.  I believe that 622 Station Avenue  


was one of these stores by 1912.  

Lindsey’s Family Food Market & John’s Friendly Market Continued

The wood shelving is  most likely the shelving  that was used to sell the  Jane Parker store brand  

products that made the  A&P so profitable and  successful. In 1932, Richard “Dick”  Lindsey helped open the new A&P at 125 East  Atlantic Avenue. Some  still refer to that location  as the Department of  

Motor Vehicles and some as the Heart House. Mr. Lindsey eventually became a supervisor over 10  A&P stores in the area. My research has not found who operated a food store at 622 Station Avenue  between 1932 and 1948, but Dick Lindsey purchased the building and opened Lindsey’s Family  Market in 1948. He placed the following ad in the Directory of the Borough of Haddon Heights 1948.  

Lindsey’s Friendly Food Market 

Seventh and Station Avenues 

Haddon Heights, N.J. 

 Free Delivery “Ring—–We Bring” Phone H. Hts. 2-6132 It is interesting to note that the present-day phone number for John’s Friendly Market is 856-547-6132. 

In an article that appeared in the August 5, 1968, issue of the Courier-Post, Mr. Lindsey explained  how and why he was able to thrive surrounded by supermarkets. “I can’t compete with them on price.  I can equal their price on the regular items but I can’t on their specials. I have to attract my customers  through service and personal attention to their needs.”  

To Lindsey, the retail food business had divided itself into three categories — the chain store,  emphasizing price and a wide selection, the convenience store, which charges higher prices but  provides a variety of snack items and stays open late, and the neighborhood store which emphasizes  service. Call it Lindsey’s or John’s, it has always been about service and quality. 

Dick Lindsey sold his store to John Johnson, a thirty-year employee in June 1975. This action caused  the town to divide. If you had grown up in Heights, you called the store Lindsey’s. Newer folk called  it John’s. To this day, some people still will tell you it use to be Dick Lindsey’s store. 

Mr. Johnson continued Lindsey’s tried and true successful practices. A quality meat section was still  important. “Customers like meat cut specially for them, not pre-packaged.” John also initiated the  selling of sandwiches at lunch time. Rather long lines formed for the made to order sandwiches and  subs and still can. 

Lindsey’s Family Food Market & John’s Friendly Market Continued

Long before the supermarkets had online delivery, John’s accepted telephone orders for home delivery.  But service has always been the secret of success for John. Up until the twenty-first century, many  people kept an account at John’s. You could send your child up to the store where an order could be  place, or a few items purchased, such as popsicle or candy. A tall metal box would be opened, the  alphabetical customers account found, and the purchased recorded. Once a month, the customer was  expected to stop in the store and pay the account off. Many people will tell you that John almost never  called or asked for the account to be settled. Many people will tell you they had to ask for the bill. More  people will tell you how John carried the family for months during a hard time. John always wore a red  jacket when working. Eleanor Ives writing in the Suburban newspaper noted that “Friendship and  friendly are key words in his life.” John was honored through the years. The Haddon Heights Fire  Department spoke of the many times he would send doughnuts and coffee to the men when they returned  from fighting a fire. He was named Man of the Year by the Haddon Heights Rotary Club for his  contributions to organizations and individuals in need of a helping hand. Since his deeds were done  quietly and without fanfare, he was always a little surprised and embarrassed with all the attention.  

When John died, May 10, 2011, his two  daughters, Josie Doto and Gretha Pole,  and son-in-law, Dave Pole, decided to  continue running the store which meant  so much to their father. They have done  so successfully and generously to date.  Please attend our meeting to continue  stories about Lindsey’s and John’s.  



  1. H. Historical Society Meetings:  

Summer Meeting Monday July 15, 2024  All meetings begin at 7:00 pm – Haddon  Heights Library – lower level 


MEMBERSHIP DUES: Please consider  renewing your membership. All dues help  your Historical Society cover ongoing costs  and support our mission. Only “paid-up”  members will continue to receive this highly  informative and insightful (in the Editor’s  opinion) HHHS Newsletter!  

Your “Paid Through” year is highlighted on  your mailing label. Return the membership  form on page 3 to remain a member in good  standing. 

Please Note: Those members who provide an e mail address, will also receive an electronic color  copy of the newsletter in advance of the mailing.  

CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE www.hhhistorical.org.  

WE NEED YOU! There are just a few of us  who actively work to keep this organization  going. YOU can help by volunteering to serve  and by helping build our membership. We  need YOU!!!!!! 



2024 Historical Society Board  

President-(2022-2024) Elena Hill Vice-President-(2022-2024) Bob Hunter Past President- Margaret Westfield Treasurer-(2022-2024) David Somerville Secretary- (2022-2024) Lauren McBeath Trustees- (2022-2024) Ken Funkhouser Vacant 

Peter Hill 


Newsletter Editor VACANT Membership Chair Joan Rossler Web Master Morgan Sanabria Nominating Comm. Bob Hunter/ Peter Hill 

Borough Council Liaison VACANT Historical Society Affairs VACANT Merch/Fund Raising Joan Rossler Programs/Publicity Peter Hill Program/Membership Dev. JP Gentile Digital Photographer Amy Schmidt 



Mail correspondence and Dues to:  

P.O. Box 118 Haddon Heights, NJ 08035 

The Haddon Heights Historical Society is a 501(c)3 organization. Please keep us in mind as you  plan your charitable donations. Make History by Making us part of Your Legacy…  

 Haddon Heights, NJ 08035

 P.O. Box 118 

 Haddon Heights Historical Society

HHHistorical Society Bulletin: July 2024