Haddon Heights resident, Bob Thompson, will speak on his book: “Patterned Brick Architecture of West Jersey”

April 15, 2024, 7 P.M.

Haddon Heights Library, 608 Station Avenue.


Robert L. Thompson will speak on Patterned Brick Architecture of West Jersey. Bob is a Haddon Heights resident and recently published his book on this subject. He has taught Architectural History and Historic Preservation Planning, served as New Jersey’s first Main Street Manager, and directed several downtown revitalization projects.

In his book Mr. Thompson, an Architectural historian, attempts to answer the vexing question of why the great preponderance of America’s patterned brick architecture is located in the ancient colony of West New Jersey, a land mass covering roughly half of present-day New Jersey. Formal studies of this architectural form began in the late nineteenth century and interest in the designs has never waned. The origin of the story starts well beyond southern New Jersey, beginning in England, searching for the antecedents, both practical and artistic, to this folk-art. He also examines the patterned brick architecture found in other American colonies and its meaning relative to those buildings found in West New Jersey. There are some interesting and original interpretations throughout the text.

Notice of Event: “Patterned Brick Architecture of West Jersey”